Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Install Window via USB

Make USB Bootable
Install Window XP, Winows 7 , Winodw 8
, Window 10 or any other Operating System
If you’d like to install Windows but don’t have a DVD drive, it’s easy enough to create a bootable USB flash drive with the right installation media. Here’s how to get it done for Windows 10, 8, or 7.
In this guide, we’ll be making a simple USB drive that acts just like an installation DVD, and lets you install one version of Windows. If you’d like to create a USB drive from which you can install multiple versions of Windows, you’ll want to follow these instructions instead

Step One: Create or Download an ISO for the Windows Installation Media

Before you can create your USB installation drive, you’ll need to have your Windows installation media available as an ISO file. If you already have an installation DVD, you can use it to create an ISO file using ImgBurn, a handy little free utility that’s been around forever. If you don’t have Windows installation DVD, you can download ISO files for Windows 10, 8, or 7 directly from Microsoft.
You’ll also need a minimum of a 4GB flash drive to create your installer. Be sure to copy anything you want off of it, because this process will erase it. Once you have both your ISO and flash drive in hand, you’re ready to continue..

Step Two: Create Your Installation USB Drive with the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool

With your ISO file saved to your computer, your next step is to download and install theWindows USB/DVD Download Tool. The description on that page, on the actual download page, and on the tool itself talk a lot about Windows 7 and even XP. Don’t let that worry you. The tool works just fine for Windows 7, 8, and even 10.
Once you’ve got the tool installed, creating your USB installation drive is a pretty straightforward process. Run the tool and give it permission to make changes to your PC. Click “Browse” to locate your Windows ISO file and then click “Next.”
On the next page, click “USB device.” The tool can also burn the ISO to a DVD if you need that option.
Use the drop-down menu to choose the USB flash drive you want to use. If you haven’t inserted it yet, do that now, and then click the Refresh button. Once you’ve got the right drive selected, click “Begin copying.”
If your USB drive has anything already on it, you’ll next see a warning that it will be formatted and you’ll lose any data stored on the drive. Go ahead and click “Erase USB Device.” If you started with a newly-formatted USB drive, you won’t see this warning.
Now you just have to wait for the process to complete, which usually takes 15-20 minutes. The drive will be formatted and files copied to the flash drive.When the process is finished, you can close the download tool.If you take a look at the flash drive in File Explorer, you’ll be able to see the same files that you would if you opened the installation DVD.And now that you have your installation USB drive, you can use it to start the computer on which you want to install Windows. You may have to fiddle with the BIOS on the computer to allow it to boot from USB or to change the boot order so that it will boot from the USB first. You may even be able to use the disk on computers that don’t support booting from USB, but you’ll need to take additional steps to create a bootable CD.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

10 things You don’t know about Your Nokia Phone

1) The ringtone "Nokia tune" is actually based on a 19th century guitar work named "Gran Vals" by Spanish musician Francisco Tárrega. The Nokia Tune was originally named "Grande Valse" on Nokia phones but was changed to "Nokia Tune" around 1998 when it became so well known that people referred to it as the "Nokia Tune."

2) The world's first commercial GSM call was made in 1991 in Helsinki over a Nokia-supplied network, by Prime Minister of Finland Harri Holkeri, using a Nokia phone.

3) Nokia is currently the world's largest digital camera manufacturer, as the sales of its camera-equipped mobile phones have exceeded those of any conventional camera manufacturer.

4) The "Special" tone available to users of Nokia phones when receiving SMS (text messages) is actually Morse code for "SMS". Similarly, the "Ascending" SMS tone is Morse code for "Connecting People," Nokia's slogan. The "Standard" SMS tone is Morse code for "M" (Message).

5) The Nokia corporate font (typeface) is the AgfaMonotype Nokia Sans font, originally designed by Eric Spiekermann. Its mobile phone User's Guides Nokia mostly used the Agfa Rotis Sans font.

6) In Asia, the digit 4 never appears in any Nokia handset model number, because 4 is considered unlucky in many parts of Southeast/East Asia.

7) Nokia was listed as the 20th most admirable company worldwide in Fortune's list of 2006 (1st in network communications, 4th non-US company).

8. Unlike other modern day handsets, Nokia phones do not automatically start the call timer when the call is connected, but start it when the call is initiated. (Except for Series 60 based handsets like the Nokia 6600)

9) Nokia is sometimes called aikon (Nokia backwards) by non-Nokia mobile phone users and by mobile software developers, because "aikon" is used in various SDK software packages, including Nokia's own Symbian S60 SDK.

10) The name of the town of Nokia originated from the river which flowed through the town. The river itself, Nokianvirta, was named after the old Finnish word originally meaning sable, later pine marten. A species of this small, black-furred predatory animal was once found in the region, but it is now extinct.

Super Bluetooth Hack

Super Bluetooth Hack

Once connected to an another phone via bluetooth you can:

- read his messages

- read his contacts

- change profile

- play his ringtone even if phone is on silent

- play his songs(in his phone)

- restart the phone
- switch off the phone
- restore factory settings
- change ringing volume
- And here comes the best
“Call from his phone” it includes all call functions like hold etc.
Super Bluetooth Hack for S60 2nd-3rd devices.
Works very well on Sony Ericsson and Nokia phones
Plus some handy extra’s!!!!
Given below is list of some other bluetooth hacking softwares.Here is some free  bluetooth hacking software that would let you do a lot more fun with your mobile phones
1Use your mobile device and visit www.getjar.com
2Select Quick Download at the bottom of the page
3Enter 15782

2.BT File Manager : Application to browsing and copy files from other phones connected via Bluetooth.
1Use your mobile device and visit www.getjar.com
2Select Quick Download at the bottom of the page
3Enter 18378

3.Mobilewitch Bluetooth Remote Control :Mobilewitch Bluetooth Remote Control is a free of charge program that can be used to control your computer from distance. The main purpose of this software is to turn your mobile phone into a universal PC remote control.
1Use your mobile device and visit www.getjar.com
2Select Quick Download at the bottom of the page
3Enter 26591

Samsung secret codes

Samsung E720,E730,D500 secret codes

Following codes are for D500, it might work for e720/E730 (though it is dependent on phones firmware).

*#1111# S/W Version
*#1234# Firmware Version
*#2222# H/W Version
*#8999*8376263# All Versions Together

*#8999*8378# Test Menu
*#4777*8665# GPSR Tool
*#8999*523# LCD Brightness
*#8999*377# Error Menu
*#8999*327# EEP Menu
*#8999*3825523# Don’t Know.
*#8999*667# Debug Mode
*#92782# PhoneModel (Wap)
#*5737425# JAVA Mode
*#2255# Call List
*#232337# Bluetooth MAC Adress
*#5282837# Java Version

#*4773# Incremental Redundancy
#*7752# 8 PSK uplink capability bit
#*7785# Reset wakeup & RTK timer cariables/variables

#*7200# Tone Generator Mute
#*3888# BLUETOOTH Test mode
#*7828# Task screen

#*#8377466# S/W Version & H/W Version
#*2562# Restarts Phone
#*2565# No Blocking? General Defense.
#*3353# General Defense, Code Erased.
#*3837# Phone Hangs on White screen
#*3849# Restarts Phone
#*3851# Restarts Phone
#*3876# Restarts Phone
#*7222# Operation Typ: (Class C GSM)
#*7224# !!! ERROR !!!
#*7252# Operation Typ: (Class B GPRS)
#*7271# CMD: (Not Available)
#*7274# CMD: (Not Available)
#*7337# Restarts Phone (Resets Wap Settings)
#*2787# CRTP ON/OFF
#*2886# AutoAnswer ON/OFF
#*3737# L1 AFC
#*5133# L1 HO Data
#*7288# GPRS Detached/Attached
#*7287# GPRS Attached
#*7666# White Screen
#*7693# Sleep Deactivate/Activate
#*7284# L1 HO Data
#*2256# Calibration info? (For CMD set DEBUGAUTONOMY in cihard.opt)
#*2286# Databattery
#*2527# GPRS switching set to (Class 4, 8, 9, 10)
#*2679# Copycat feature Activa/Deactivate
#*3940# External looptest 9600 bps
#*4263# Handsfree mode Activate/Deactivate
#*4700# Please use function 2637
#*2558# Time ON
#*3370# Same as 4700
#*3941# External looptest 115200 bps

#*5176# L1 Sleep
#*7462# SIM Phase
#*7983# Voltage/Freq
#*7986# Voltage
#*8466# Old Time
#*2255# Call Failed
#*5187# L1C2G trace Activate/Deactivate
#*5376# DELETE ALL SMS!!!!
#*6837# Official Software Version: (0003000016000702)
#*7524# KCGPRS: (FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 07)
#*2337# Permanent Registration Beep
#*2474# Charging Duration
#*2834# Audio Path (Handsfree)
#*3270# DCS Support Activate/Deactivate
#*3282# Data Activate/Deactivate
#*3476# EGSM Activate/Deactivate
#*4760# GSM Activate/Deactivate
#*4864# White Screen
#*5171# L1P1
#*5172# L1P2
#*5173# L1P3
#*7326# Accessory
#*7683# Sleep variable
#*8465# Time in L1
#*2252# Current CAL
#*2836# AVDDSS Management Activate/Deactivate
#*3877# Dump of SPY trace
#*7728# RSAV
#*2677# Same as 4700
#*3797# Blinks 3D030300 in RED
#*3728# Time 2 Decod
#*3725# B4 last off
#*7372# Resetting the time to DPB variables
#*7732# Packet flow context bit Activate/Deactivate
#*6833# New uplink establishment Activate/Deactivate
#*3273# EGPRS multislot (Class 4, 8, 9, 10)
#*7722# RLC bitmap compression Activate/Deactivate
#*2351# Blinks 1347E201 in RED
#*4472# Hysteresis of serving cell: 3 dB
#*2775# Switch to 2 inner speaker
#*9270# Force WBS
#*7878# FirstStartup (0=NO, 1=YES)
#*3757# DSL UART speed set to (LOW, HIGH)
#*8726# Switches USBACM to Normal
#*8724# Switches USBACM to Generator mode
#*8727# Switches USBACM to Slink mode
#*8725# Switches USBACM to Loop-back mode
#*3838# Blinks 3D030300 in RED
#*2077# GPRS Switch
#*0277# GPRS Switch
#*22671# AMR REC START
#*22672# Stop AMR REC (File name: /a/multimedia/sounds/voice list/ENGMODE.amr)
#*22673# Pause REC
#*22674# Resume REC
#*22675# AMR Playback
#*22676# AMR Stop Play
#*22677# Pause Play
#*22678# Resume Play
#*77261# PCM Rec Req
#*77262# Stop PCM Rec
#*77263# PCM Playback
#*77264# PCM Stop Play
#*2872# CNT
*#8999*364# Watchdog ON/OFF
#*8370# Tfs4.0 Test 0

#*36245# Turns Email TestMenu on.

*2767*22236245# Email EPP set (….)!
*2767*837836245# Email Test Account!
*2767*29536245# Email Test2 Account!
*2767*036245# Email EPP reset!
*2767*136245# Email EPP set (1)!
*2767*736245# Email EPP set (7)!
*2767*3036245# Email…

*2767*3855# = E2P Full Reset
*2767*2878# = E2P Custom Reset
*2767*927# = E2P Wap Reset
*2767*226372# = E2P Camera Reset
*2767*688# Reset Mobile TV
#7263867# = RAM Dump (On or Off)
*2767*49927# = Germany WAP Settings
*2767*44927# = UK WAP Settings
*2767*31927# = Netherlands WAP Settings
*2767*420927# = Czech WAP Settings
*2767*43927# = Austria WAP Settings
*2767*39927# = Italy WAP Settings
*2767*33927# = France WAP Settings
*2767*351927# = Portugal WAP Settings
*2767*34927# = Spain WAP Settings
*2767*46927# = Sweden WAP Settings
*2767*380927# = Ukraine WAP Settings
*2767*7927# = Russia WAP Settings
*2767*30927# = GREECE WAP Settings
*2767*73738927# = WAP Settings Reset
*2767*49667# = Germany MMS Settings
*2767*44667# = UK MMS Settings
*2767*31667# = Netherlands MMS Settings
*2767*420667# = Czech MMS Settings
*2767*43667# = Austria MMS Settings
*2767*39667# = Italy MMS Settings
*2767*33667# = France MMS Settings
*2767*351667# = Portugal MMS Settings
*2767*34667# = Spain MMS Settings
*2767*46667# = Sweden MMS Settings
*2767*380667# = Ukraine MMS Settings
*2767*7667#. = Russia MMS Settings
*2767*30667# = GREECE MMS Settings

*#7465625# = Check the locks
*7465625*638*Code# = Enables Network lock
#7465625*638*Code# = Disables Network lock
*7465625*782*Code# = Enables Subset lock
#7465625*782*Code# = Disables Subset lock
*7465625*77*Code# = Enables SP lock
#7465625*77*Code# = Disables SP lock
*7465625*27*Code# = Enables CP lock
#7465625*27*Code# = Disables CP lock
*7465625*746*Code# = Enables SIM lock
#7465625*746*Code# = Disables SIM lock
*7465625*228# = Activa lock ON
#7465625*228# = Activa lock OFF
*7465625*28638# = Auto Network lock ON
#7465625*28638# = Auto Network lock OFF
*7465625*28782# = Auto subset lock ON
#7465625*28782# = Auto subset lock OFF
*7465625*2877# = Auto SP lock ON
#7465625*2877# = Auto SP lock OFF
*7465625*2827# = Auto CP lock ON
#7465625*2827# = Auto CP lock OFF
*7465625*28746# = Auto SIM lock ON
#7465625*28746# = Auto SIM lock OFF

**NB:*#8999*228# or *#9998*228# will show you how much charge the battery has in %. It even gives the temperature.Common Codes for SAMSUNG (GSM)
Software version: *#9999#
IMEI number: *#06#
Serial number: *#0001#
Battery status- Memory capacity : *#9998*246#
Debug screen: *#9998*324# - *#8999*324#
LCD kontrast: *#9998*523#
Vibration test: *#9998*842# - *#8999*842#
Alarm beeper - Ringtone test : *#9998*289# - *#8999*289#
Smiley: *#9125#
Software version: *#0837#
Display contrast: *#0523# - *#8999*523#
Battery info: *#0228# or *#8999*228#
Display storage capacity: *#8999*636#
Display SIM card information: *#8999*778#
Show date and alarm clock: *#8999*782#
The display during warning: *#8999*786#
Samsung hardware version: *#8999*837#
Show network information: *#8999*638#
Display received channel number and received intensity: *#8999*9266#

*#1111# S/W Version
*#1234# Firmware Version
*#2222# H/W Version
*#8999*8376263# All Versions Together
*#8999*8378# Test Menu
*#4777*8665# GPSR Tool
*#8999*523# LCD Brightness
*#8999*377# Error LOG Menu
*#8999*327# EEP Menu
*#8999*667# Debug Mode
*#92782# PhoneModel (Wap)
#*5737425# JAVA Mode
*#2255# Call List
*#232337# Bluetooth MAC Adress
*#5282837# Java Version

Type in *#0000# on a Samsung A300 to reset the language
Master reset(unlock) #*7337# (for the new samsungs E700 x600 but not E710)
Samsung E700 type *#2255# to show secret call log (not tested)
Samsung A300, A800 phone unlock enter this *2767*637#
Samsung V200, S100, S300 phone unlock : *2767*782257378#

#*4773# Incremental Redundancy
#*7785# Reset wakeup & RTK timer cariables/variables
#*7200# Tone Generator Mute
#*3888# BLUETOOTH Test mode
#*7828# Task screen
#*#8377466# S/W Version & H/W Version
#*2562# Restarts Phone
#*2565# No Blocking? General Defense.
#*3353# General Defense, Code Erased.
#*3837# Phone Hangs on White screen.
#*3849# Restarts Phone
#*7337# Restarts Phone (Resets Wap Settings)
#*2886# AutoAnswer ON/OFF
#*7288# GPRS Detached/Attached
#*7287# GPRS Attached
#*7666# White Screen
#*7693# Sleep Deactivate/Activate
#*2286# Databattery
#*2527# GPRS switching set to (Class 4, 8, 9, 10)
#*2679# Copycat feature Activa/Deactivate
#*3940# External looptest 9600 bps
#*4263# Handsfree mode Activate/Deactivate
#*2558# Time ON
#*3941# External looptest 115200 bps
#*5176# L1 Sleep
#*7462# SIM Phase
#*7983# Voltage/Freq
#*7986# Voltage
#*8466# Old Time
#*2255# Call Failed
#*5376# DELETE ALL SMS!!!!
#*6837# Official Software Version: (0003000016000702)
#*2337# Permanent Registration Beep
#*2474# Charging Duration
#*2834# Audio Path (Handsfree)
#*3270# DCS Support Activate/Deactivate
#*3282# Data Activate/Deactivate
#*3476# EGSM Activate/Deactivate
#*4760# GSM Activate/Deactivate
#*4864# White Screen
#*7326# Accessory
#*7683# Sleep variable
#*3797# Blinks 3D030300 in RED
#*7372# Resetting the time to DPB variables
#*3273# EGPRS multislot (Class 4, 8, 9, 10)
#*7722# RLC bitmap compression Activate/Deactivate
#*2351# Blinks 1347E201 in RED
#*2775# Switch to 2 inner speaker
#*7878# FirstStartup (0=NO, 1=YES)
#*3838# Blinks 3D030300 in RED
#*2077# GPRS Switch
#*2027# GPRS Switch
#*0227# GPRS Switch
#*0277# GPRS Switch
#*22671# AMR REC START
#*22672# Stop AMR REC (File name: /a/multimedia/sounds/voice list/ENGMODE.amr)
#*22673# Pause REC
#*22674# Resume REC
#*22675# AMR Playback
#*22676# AMR Stop Play
#*22677# Pause Play
#*22678# Resume Play
#*77261# PCM Rec Req
#*77262# Stop PCM Rec
#*77263# PCM Playback
#*77264# PCM Stop Play
#*22679# AMR Get Time
*#8999*364# Watchdog ON/OFF
*#8999*427# WATCHDOG signal route setup
*2767*3855# = Full Reset (Caution every stored data will be deleted.)
*2767*2878# = Custom Reset
*2767*927# = Wap Reset

Note: Try these codes at your own risk! I don't accept any complaints.
Some of these codes may not work

Hack Windows XP Password

It is a useful trick by which u can login in any computer installed with Windows XP.
 Or Sometimes if you forgot the password of your system.

Procedure 1 :

(1) On your Computer
(2) When it asks for password press ctrl+alt+delete keys twice
(3) Now another window opens asking for password.
(4) In this at the place of user name just type administrator....leave the password feild blank and hit enter
(5) U have logged in as a normal user.

[Now u hav full authority only problem is that u can't open my document of the original account. Don't worry about it. Just use any file recovery software and move the files from acess denied my document to any other folder(in other drive)]

Procedure 2:

Just Open the Window in safe Mode
Computer with Not Ask for any password :) 

Run Android Applications On PC

STEP 1: Download  'BlueStacks' from the below link

STEP 2: After downloading, Install the 'Blue Stacks". Click on 'Run'

But remember you should be connected with Internet as it will download the necessary updates and other elements automatically.
Installation depends on Your Internet Downloading Speed.

STEP 3: After Compete Installation of the Blue Stacks will show a screen like below:

Blue Stacks had been installed, You can see the screen like below :

STEP 4: Now you can run android apps on your computer,
To download apps click on Search. Like in below pic
After clicking on Search Icon, It will show another window like this :
STEP 5: Now type name of any Android App in the field provided to search it.
After typing the world then click on Find or hit enter, It will display the results like below
STEP 6: Now click on Install, to download and install the any android app on computer.


Copyright @ 2013 Masti Tricks.